Friday, January 25, 2019

Tips 101 : How To Study

PRE P/S : This is the continuation of my previous post ; How I began to make notes. and Non-medical students are more than welcome to read this as well. 

P/S : In this 2nd part, I have included the study style poll results from my instastory the other day AND as promised, I’ve also added all the study styles that I've received from other’s response/suggestions. You might as well want to scroll down to see your own name in here ;p

Assalamualaikum, Hi!

My pre-clinical handwritten  notes – 80% complete and concise in this pink holder. As you read through this post, you will understand why if there's fire, one of the things I'm going to save is this pink holder and its content!

 As I run my fingers through my past notes, just then I realized how dynamic the act of study can be. The reason is because when I transitioned from Pre clinical years to Clinical years, things just started to became surreal! I somehow lost in between adapting the new phase and maintaining the study routine I had previously.

My 3rd year horrendous obstetrics notes. I myself petrified of how shooketh the transition phase had made me into.  But while looking at a different light, this is an opportunity for me to rewrite it because I believe that it must be important if I had wrote it . Why should I, if it isn’t important right?

For those who didn’t know, most medical school in Malaysia are made up of  2 years of Pre Clinical where you spend most of the time in class learning the theories and then transition to 3 years of Clinical, where you mostly exhaust your all in the hospital + lectures in class.

While we’re having moments of culture shock, of how fast-paced we should be surviving in a rat-race life of a medical student, sometimes.. we don’t realize we lose ourselves in between. We started to question ourselves,

 “how to study these things..?” 
 “what should I study..?” 
 “is there enough time for me to cope all these..?”

and ending up not studying at all and just scrolling down watching on other peoples’ lives. But sometimes.. we’re just simply exhausted. We need a time out to reset ourselves and find the best way to re-approach things efficiently.

So today, I am going to share with you, the nuts and bolts of the study approach ; My style. In hope, that this can benefit anyone who're in search for it. InshaAllah.

A quitclaim here,  what I am going to share might both work and not work for you. Nonetheless, I hope you can discover the most suitable ones for you (I’ve even included the study tips I received from my friends the other day) and through that you can improvise or customize it based on your interest.

Also, just because I am a medical student and people look us like we’re wearing the smarty-pants but sometimes.. we just don’t. I just hope people know how we’re barely surviving here in medical school and so, we can’t go a day without studying! I believe, in any courses as well! We all have our own daily challenges and struggle. Do not believe and depend on what you saw on the grids in Instagram, because I can guarantee you that offline-life are the tougher deal.

So let’s get started!

1.    To-do List

I know this might seems provincial, but for me it’s a huge deal. I can’t just expect myself to remember all the things I need to get done because there’s just too many! Remember, when exam’s around the corner, and you started to clean your room, clean the fan, clean the toilet and all those unnecessary stuff you can actually do it after exam, but you still do it anyway on the exam week..? (Okay maybe not you.. but I did that most of the time! haha) 

It’s actually because some people need a piece of mind before initiating their study gear. For me, when there are things that aren’t done, I can’t focus because the undone task keep creeps into my mind and I’ll be like “ugh okay finee, lets just clean the fan first okay..?” *and there I go. I went to clean the fan, wash the bed linen, every single cushion coverings and blankets etc etc..*

Now, I am at peace. haha

Soo.. to avoid that, I have this habit of writing a to-do list, twice, every single day! In a medication prescription, we wrote it as b.d.s. (Okay.. not funny).

Twice? Yes, The A.M. and P.M. list.  For the A.M. list, it is for me to be objective as soon as I wake up. I’ll prepare it before bed so it is as if everytime I wake up, I’ll straight away know what is “my target of the day“ and when it’s due. Plus I will not waste time playing with my phone. (I mean, at least I able to reduce time with my phone because I’ve things to settle down).

Meanwhile, for the P.M. list, I began listing right after I arrived home from hospital/class. This one is a short-quick list, so normally it’s about "what time to cook and iron the clothes, don’t forget to check on these certain topics and revise the past ones". So when I’ve this lists, I began to realize that I have not much time to waste on and immediately get the things done.

Left : Its a To-Do list when I was in the first year and I made it  for the future-me (I know I'm so weird, just please bear with how particular I am about the upcoming things haha) I even still keep this list because its written on a nice paper!
  Right :  Okay, I'm a changed person. I'm being realistic with the list since I have so much things to get done on a current-basis.

Eventually, after managing the daily life hassle, then I am more at peace and sound to give all my heart to study.  Pheww.. finally…

2.    Topic List

Okay! You may want to skip the first step of to-do list, but you might not want to skip this. This is VITAL. I observe that when I started to get lazy.. and then I look at the list of topics I need to cover, I’ll be like,

“There is no way I’m going to procrastinate this to another day! I have no other day! I have today! Tomorrow is for other things! I must get this topic covered by now..!”.

Although sometimes the outcome of the study just went halfway.. but at least, there is something going.. something progressing! Slowly but surely.. Little by little and you’ll get there.

 So, do not let the pressure overtakes you if you’re tired. I thinks it is equally important to admit that you're tired. It doesn't necessarily means you're a weak/lazy/incompetent person. We are not well-oiled machines and robots. We are human beings and YES we get tired! We just need to take a break and *breatheeee!*

Okay so back to the topic list. The aim of the topic list is for you  to get to see what is at hand. For you to recognise and keep track of your study progress. And most importantly, for you to know WHAT TO STUDY. Because sometimes.. we’re just.. lazy..  we don’t know what to study.. we can’t see what is at hand. We will only notice that the topics is piling up, only a few days before exam! 

Year 2 Topic List in 2017. Note the two column from the right ; Prep + Revision = meaning, I have to tackle the notes for two times.

Year 4 Topic List in 2018 : A lot less rational. haha

So I encourage you to do this step from the beginning of your posting/semester for each and every subject you have. It helps you to stay alert and productive in keeping track of your study progress. Paste it on your study desk or take a picture of it and make it as your phone wallpaper.. so that it haunts you to study! Haha #okayimjoking. As for me, I designated one book of list where I stored the whole topic lists according to my posting from third, fourth and InshaAllah, fifth year.

Oh well. I still did it. My lockscreen is currently doing its good job in haunting me.

3.    Mini Mind Map

This, is sunnah for me. So you can completely ignore this step.  But as for me, I did it because I want to be more efficient in helping myself to see the whole view of a topic, to aid me in memorizing or simply wanting to “scan the crucial parts of the topic” right before entering the exam hall, so that I’ve got the idea of what the topic is all about. 

Again, I want to remind that since we’ve not much time, if you want to do this. Be wise to spare it only on the important topics or.. the topics that is so complex intertwined with other related big topics! Do not exhaust for something that is unnecessary.

Made in Year 1, 2016.

This idea popped out when I was in the second semester of medical school. Whenever I did this mini mindmap, it was a sign that I’ve done my first-time-reading of that topic! The second round reading is when the real thing is coming.. The Notes-Making!

4.    Study Style/The Notes Making

So here we come to the core topic of this post. I believe the strength in every variation of how diverse a study style can be ; from just reading, to highlighting the lines, adding points in the same book, explain to friends and so much more! You can even be all the style above. Be stylish and fashionable! yes.. even in study!

For a step-by-step learner like me, Notes-Making is essential. In fact, when I did this, I able to absorb the knowledge deeper, retain longer and recall faster. People pointed me as the girl who diverge or branches out the ideas from the central topic or so called the mindmap-maker, just because I love to look at things from a bigger scope-view. I don’t really have the manual of how-to-do it. But what I know, is that :

1)   You need a glance of the topic. That’s why I do the first-reading-first or the MINI mindmap. As the matter of fact, whenever I have the mini mindmap, and I was about to sit down and make the ‘real’ notes, I can do it more faster and sometimes, I can do it with a close-book, to test how far I understand and remember that certain topic from my first reading.

2)   You know when they say notes  is about the keywords? Lets be frank here, as a beginner, we don’t really know what is that! Soo, for me, I’ll do the Breaking Sentence! I’ll break a long sentences/paragraph by

· Re-locate the preposition ( ie : in/out/up/down/after/before/with ) or conjunction ( ie: and/but/for/so/yet ) TO the next line/below the previous line. I break and re-locate anything that has to do with the grammar!

·      CHANGE the punctuation  such as ; full stop, comma INTO ARROWS

·      If there is a SAME SENSICAL TERMS in the same sentence/paragraph, I will strike  an arrow FROM the former same term TO the latter same term. Usually, they are RELATED!

Allow me to enlighten you..

1) Taking these slide notes as an example. (Block : Respiration System, Year 2)


2) Extract the points from the slide notes above and scribble it on this space.

3) Now focus on the information that lies within the yellow lines.

4) If you notice, I've break the long sentence into several short lines (look in each circle, it contains 3-4 short lines) through re-position/re-location of the grammar. Sometimes, through different coloured pens too.

 I've also change every full stops/commas into arrows, resulting into surfaced keypoints (which is marked with the red and blue circles). 

Looking at the 2nd red circle from the left, you'll see the word "changes" have been circled and striked an arrow to the same word "changes" in the 3rd red circle -- meaning, they are super-related!

3)   Next! Use different colours to distinguish the different points of a sentence. The brighter, the colourful and more fun the notes, The more memorable it can be!

First year : Pharmacolgy Notes in table form.
I do digital tableform too! For microbiology.

Third year notes :  Playing with sticky notes!

This is optional. But I have this habit of holding at least 3 coloured pens (red, black, blue) in my hand, at the same time. Sometimes highlighter too. 

I adopt this habit since I joined drawing contest ;  believe it or not, in order to minimize the time in alternating different tones of colours, I had this pale blue to bold blue range colour pencil in between my fingers (intertrigo)! I know it looks funny, but hey, TIME IS GOLD! Drawing contest is at least 2 hours and a half, you have no time to be indecisive!

4)   A friend once told me that “study that is tied up with feelings, retain in our memory longer.” The ability to feel something and associate it with something meaningful, is a strength. So recognise your strength. 

       As for me,  it is none other than, drawing. As much as I love to write, I love to draw too. I love anything that had to do with handskill. Plus, I avoid to print notes or to just depend on reading books only, because my mind will became auto-lazy! Since it have something to depend on, my critical thinking abilities can’t be honed or sharpen through just reading.

Block CNS, Year 2.

“We are visual creatures, and most of our brains are devoted to sensing. So turn what you’re learning into an image” -Memrise

My first drawing during the first year. #semangat

 This drawing is only.. an assignment! (truly still, when you asked a first year to draw axilla in general, because I don't know what the lecturer actually wants in a drawing, so this is what you'll get from a person like me hehe #thereyougothewholeaxillarelated)

It’s MashaAllah amazing how the involvement of  all your special senses (sight, hearing, smell and taste) can play a big part of your memory! Just that, maybe for the smell and the taste sense can took part when you’re eating something in particular or be in a pleasant scented place while studying. 

Remember those days, when you smell something familiar, eat the oldschool candies or listen to the down-memory-lane songs.. recalls your childhood memories? That is how extensive these special sense can incorporate to your memory strength! So count them in!

“Memories are connections, and every new memory must link to something already known. So when learning something new, always ask: What does this remind me of? What can I connect it to? How I can make the connection vivid?”

A Fun fact! A doctor used to asked us in class one time “why does the special sense are defined as SPECIAL?“  I was like (in my mind).. “oh yeah.. why ah..? I never thought about it!” Then he answered, “It’s because you can sense them even in a distance!   aah rightt! That makes sense! That is why the touch sense doesn’t count as special.

*         *         *

Here are some snippets of my notes collection since my first year till now.

The summary of my handwritten 1st year notes. Classified by Subjects.

Under each subject, there are this multiple topics package in smaller zip lock plastic!
This one is the 1st year Biochemistry notes.

Total of all my 2nd year notes, by system.

1st year : Embryology! Nope. Not a project. I just did this for fun with Uzma. hehe

Drawings of CNS!

1st Year Pharmacology : The 3 coloured papers are actually the list of drugs I learnt in 1st year. Then behind those papers are the notes by class of drugs!

If you open the plastic, this is what it contains. A tableform pharmacology notes!

3rd Year. Notice that the transparent paper that I hold are the clinical findings in physical examination for each system. 3rd year was the least notes I produce haha because I am.. lost. 

This is just a painting that has nothing to do with notes-making or a study reference, in general. This is just.. a hobby.

So.. is there anyone wants to study with me? If I launch a medical-notes club, do you wanna join?

#imkidding #butitsniceifithappensright?

*          *        *

Remember this post?

I received numerous response thanks to this girl here, Syasya and the poll. Here's the result and it seems, the note-making population outnumbered the opposite.. 

(again, don't feel discourage! you, do you. okay?)

and then, I put this up!

and  their answers are just.. awe-inspiring! check it out!

From my batchmates :


tips from a lawyer, peeps!

#geniusbelike #softwareengineer

Indeed, Kakjia! This one is amazingg too! This is almost like the Pomodoro Technique (like setting a time to study, for example like half an hour. Until the alarm rings sign of a complete 30 mins study, Then take a 5 minutes break and continue with the same cycle again) After 3-4 pomodoros, then you can take longer breaks!

Kak Nazahah, who've just passed her final year in medschool! I agree with her. 3rd, 4th and 5th year its all about staying on top of the current literature/journal articles and practices guidelines.

Contrast colour truly helps the memory!

How a psychology student study like ;p

Another senior of mine, one of the brightest! She also just recently graduated from medschool ;') and yes! Study as if you're preparing for the housemanship!

#LifeIsSimple haha

If you can't read it clearly, let me rewrite it back for you :

"My style, tulis dlm buku (bukan buku conteng), susun every topic betul2 ikut yg kita faham. Kalau tgh kopak buat buku guna A4. Tak suka buku garis sebab dia melimitkan creativity, space & susah nak lukis. Waktu exam, tinggal baca paham baca paham. Sebelum masuk exam hall pon boleh selak. And bila tak ingat boleh bayang sikit2 muka surat mana." - @ell_arina

Soo, how's that? Everyone's unique isn't it? Just go for what works for you!

*           *           *

If you realize from the beginning to the end of my study approach, I mostly practice the ‘Divide and Conquer’ method.

Summary of My Study Approach.

From listing the task I need to get done > to recognise the topics in my territory > then break the topics accordingly and slot it per day, one by one >  and even in the content of a topic itself,  I break the sentences until the key points/message afloats!

For me, the brain loves bite-sized and everything can be learned when divided into little chunks, no matter how difficult it may seem. So when you begin learning something, first chop it into digestible morsels. Your brain will thank you later!

Then, in terms of choices of a study material (not a textbook selection) ; I love a non-grid blank space, but overtime, I have transformed from a blank-space paper into a blank-space book, because I want to save time from organizing them. 

Still, papers aren't so bad either. I found it  very useful since all my pre-clinical notes are written on an A4 paper (without a designated book for each), because NOW I can mix and match the notes across different subjects, DEPENDING ON THE CURRENT CASE I AM STUDYING.

To give you an idea, it is as if it's like this ; since I am now in Obstetrics and Gynaecology posting, I  will pull out the fetal circulation notes I learnt in embryology, the contraception, HRT notes I learnt in pharmacology and  every repro systems related notes in 2nd year I took it out and re-read it for I have the previous basic understanding through these notes and NOW its time to strengthen it and add some points.

2nd Year CVS Block : Fetal Circulation

2nd Year : Pathology for Reproductive System. And currently we're still learning the same thing, but in much detailed and wider scope.

First Year : Embryology

Ladies and gentlemen, it is all about back2basic! So with these paper notes, I will be able took them out, paste them on the wall and have a greater view of obstetrics and gynaecology! For me, that's how it works now.

I am also a big fan of those black wide-range-tipped pens, despite of the colourful ones, just because I will hand-lettering the title while thinking of how to divide the space according to the amount of subtopics and information.

Those big title like "management" "proliferative" "differential" are what we called, handlettering. If you see me handlettering, know that back in my head, I was actually thinking on how.. to divide the space.

And of course, those pens, are all different kinds of black pens. I can't choose any. All of them are my favourite! #imhappyenoughifyoubuymeblackpenformybirthdayhahaokkidding

Finally, I would like to emphasis that a proper study organisation is still vital. Do dedicate each subject a home for them. If you're writing it on a paper, compile it in a file. If you're writing it in a book, have a specified book for each subject. Do not mix it up in one place. You'll stressed out and its a waste of time for you to spend time organising when exam's around the corner. Also, write the subject's topic list in front of every file subject/book. That way will be easier for you to track down your study progress.

One file per system for my paper-notes!

Clear zip lock plastic, I bought from Daiso.

*                    *                  *

I understand that some may felt this way is not-so realistic and time consuming. But ask yourself,

“am I going to take on the bull by its horn and face him heads on or.. 
I’ll start with my baby steps.. slowly but surely I will get there?”

This journey had kickstarted from the very beginning of my first year, and as time passes by, the knowledge that used to be unclear in the beginning, come to make sense two to three years later. In fact, it less consume my time since we have built the basics and the fundamentals in the earlier years, and all I did right now was to get back to the old notes (1st, 2nd year’s notes) refresh it, re-read it, re-absorb it to strengthen the essential points, plus! ADDed new related points as we broaden our knowledge while advancing in the years of our studies.

 A Work-In-Progress ; that's how I like to look myself of.

Anas RA (May Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, 
“If the Hour (the day of Resurrection) is about to be established and one of you was holding a palm seed, let him take advantage of even one second before the Hour is established to plant it.” (Reported by Ahmad and Al-Bukhan on the authority of Anas in Al Adab Al-Mufrad)"

Meaning, if you have that strong-will, then just do it! If you have a seed, just plant it! even if you have one second left before the Resurrection Day. It is never too late to do a good deed. And in this case, it is never too late to study, even you have hours left to exam! For Allah, He sees and count your effort not the outcome. The outcome belongs to Him! 

*             *          *

Now it should be convincing enough that to unlock the long-term information and study skills – Repetition is the key. The more the study / repetition frequency you went through, the more you’ll gain and retain.

I myself experience the feelings of not having that much time to repeat those stuff. That is why I am so absorb with notes making because of how functional and impacted it can be to me. Still, as coming to these less than two final years of my degree, although I wish to say,

“yeay, less than 2 years to go!”

but its more like..

“hm.. less than 2 years left?“ -- there’s prolly fine line there.

Because these are the remaining crucial years I have left, to utilize and maximize as much as I can in this academical journey! (I know there are more stages to pursue, but lets just focus the present and finish what we have started). Needless to say, the time left have forced me to prepare as much as I can, before I stand on my two feet treating my own patients.

*              *          *

These are my current obstetrics notes. A lot less realistic than before and at least, no more lost in the horrible handwritting!

Remember from my last post of how I almost gave up with myself and how rough it took me to be able to reach this point of making notes?

What say you? do you think I will be able to do all these had it not Allah willed me to failed before entering this degree?

"If Allah put you into it, He will indeed get you through it!"

Here, I am only humbly share with you the little things I know and its paraphernalia about how to approach my Self-Study. I have still a lot to learn and improve myself and  also, still eager to find out more potentials in me, so do care to share me your tips too! I would love to know!

My biology teachers (Teacher Bibi and Sir Amir) used to slot me in to give a talk on how-to make notes, to my juniors, the SPM students. And these, are the results! *i'm so touched of how amazing they became!* 

"I discover to my delight, that it piqued my curiosity a million fold to know the stories of people who struggle to overcome their fears and failures rather than those who have it easier or people with a more smooth sailing life. Like if I were to seek advice, I would not ask someone who has never been at the bottom. Instead, I’d look for those who rose from the bottom, worked ridiculously hard and made their way to the top!" -- @aisyahshakirah

Oh! Another #protips that keep buzzing my mind are :

#1 If you couldn’t catch the speed of the lecturer while taking notes during their lecture, leave a blank space under that topic title, in your notebook. Just jot down whatever the lecturer keeps on repeating, because I bet that couldn't be other than important point. Then, when you come back home, resume the unattended topics in the space you left earlier. This way is much faster than specifically dedicated a time in your planner for you to sit down and do notes.

#2 Another faster way to have a glance or to have the idea of a certain topic is, to begin with watching a video related to the topic from youtube. My favourite one is the no other than, Armando Hasudungan videos. Solely solid reason is because, he draws too!

#3 Study environment. I am a person who loves to be in a secluded corner, isolated, far from the crowd, especially when I need my brain to fully working. So, a loud space like a cafe to study is a no-no for me because I need to talk to myself/speak things out loud and sometimes sings out loud too haha.

Hence the effort to have an uplifting work space is my priority!
My current work station.

Functional at its best!

#4 For organising tips/time management, I'm not really good at it because of how fast my life in medschool can change in a split second! We don't have that fixed timetable like "this subject are specified on this and that day". Our timetable are very different from each day to each week to each month, because we literally have different task to do every single day, and even those scheduled things can suddenly revamp in the next 30 minutes!

It's tiring, but that's why we need to have the skill to adapt and accept the sudden changes, in a speed of light! and for that reason I highly prioritize my to-do list so that when pending things are done, I can have the space to face the unexpected things to happen.

#5 The commonest inquiry I received,  "When did you do all the notes?". Well, I'm like you too. I do notes everytime something pressured me. For example, when there are quizzes or exam. These conditions pushed me so hard to sit down and get the notes done. To be honest, I myself have no dedicated hours of my life to study. Because at night, I've so much things to prepare for the next day. Thus whenever I have time, I STUDY! 

Maybe it became slightly different, if you're able to do it constantly one notes per day?

*         *        *

Before I end this post, I know this will be the the typical line you’ll mostly heard but I am going to say it anyway, Because it’s the truth!

“Study isn’t just about for the exam, but its about how much  we can practice from what we studied. How much the knowledge have become part of you, your akhlaq and your normal reflexes. Most importantly, how much the knowledge you attain can be benefit by others”.

Do not let others define you through the way you study! You should not live your life by anyone’s standard, but live your life by your own timeline. Just keep going on with what works for you. If you want to try something new, go ahead! Do not let the noise of others dissipates your momentum. If it doesn’t work, it is still OKAY! At least you know that doesn’t work for you because you’ve TRIED, rather than sitting and presuming yourself that you just can’t.

To put the cherry on top, I hope we always remember to always put effort in everything we do. This Tips 101: How-to-study is only a guide  and it does not predetermine one's success. Success is contributed by so many factors other than being intelligent and diligent, such as a healthy physical + mental state and also our relationship with Him who grant us success. Success belongs to Allah SWT. So, do your best and let Allah do the rest!

With that, good luck!
May Allah SWT eases us in everything we pursue.

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